Saturday, March 24, 2012

Super Glue for sutures; Originally for slowing bleeding in battle, Super Glue can save your pets life!

Super glue was originally intended for medical purposes, but has not been FDA approved for human use for "potentially" being toxic. Studies from around the globe have shown that the potential for toxic poisoning would really require abundant use. Some side effects will or can include skin, eye irritation. THERE ARE OVER THE COUNTER BANDAGE GLUES THAT ARE FDA APPROVED. They have a slightly different chemical structure that makes it basically better for consumer use.

1.Seeping wounds must be able to drain
2.Super glue makes eyes sting and or burn
3.Super glue react to cotton and baking soda by getting extremely hot...DO NOT USE Q-tips or cotton balls

1. Examine the wound.
Is it filthy, contaminated or at great risk of infection? The act of bleeding is a form of cleaning the wound and is a wonderful natural method when there is a lack of foreign debris in the effected area. Allow the wound to bleed a little. However if internally there is bleeding that does not stop on its own ( with basic pressure and a cool lint free towel) within a few minutes there may be a cut vein, or artery and super glue IS NOT THE ANSWER.

2. There are two wounds that can be dealt with using Super Glue. Each require their own method.

A purely cosmetic injury that does not rip, tear or destroy the muscle tissue or artery can be sealed. Apply a sparing amount of glue along the "closed" wound. I put a large amount of glue on a plastic toothpick allowing the glue to run down the plastic until it contacted the wound. Comfort your dog and keep them as calm and still as possible for the next few days to come. Do not allow scratching that might tear open the wound, and inspect for quality of hold every few hours, as more may need to be applied around the three or four day mark.

Hold the wound together for several minutes as the glue dries. Make sure to apply small amounts of Hydrogen peroxide on the wound every evening, and do not allow the animal to go play in the yard, toilet, or garbage.)

( I did this to prevent any reaction from the dog causing any actual glue entering the wound.I could only imagine her being dis-comforted and driving the entire bottle into her wound on accident. )

A wound that is likely to build up fluid must not be completely sealed and requires that small areas of the cut are allowed to seep. In a surgical environment a drain would be sewn in ( I have had this done to one of my own injuries) So do not cover the entire wound with a huge amount of glue.


The gash in her head was about 3 inches long and exposed the insides of her head to the world. With her freshly cut hide resting its its most natural position, you could see the flesh that wrapped the back of her eye socket, the muscles on the top of her head, and the fatty tissue between her hide and skull. Shaken up and pumped full of adrenaline, she was not fighting our attention at all. ( A VERY IMPORTANT POINT ) PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS ARTICLE BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY MEDICAL ATTENTION TO YOUR ANIMALS!

Roughly two weeks ago my two year old bitch had just came out of heat. What started out as a flirtatious display of dominance turned suddenly viscous as the female had went from allowing herself to be dominated to restoring her order in the household. It only took a second and both dogs were latched on. I did not waste any time separating the animals, but like high school children they took turns beating each other. Every time I gained control of one dog the other grabbed on as I held one helplessly. I essentially ended up holding one as the the other bit, and then holding the other as they returned the favor. ( lesson learned )

While in heat she spent a lot of time with her normal best friend dog she has known for years. During the mating cycle for dogs their demeanor is quite different than it is from day to day. As part of the dogs mating ritual, they tend to rough house as a form of flirtation. Its not uncommon for the "Dominant" female to allow herself to be "dominated for the purpose of mating. When the mating season comes to an end she can change back to demanding her dominant role back. This very act can confuse the Male dog and he may try to defend his newly found "Dominant" role.

In this case the male dog had grown to the point her entire head fit in his mouth. His place as "dominant" dog has now been marked.

Just to start this off. I am not a Veterinarian. I am not a doctor and this procedure is an account of actual happenings. This is in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM advice or direction intended to replace the proper care for mammals of ANY sort.

I ran out and physically broke up this dog fight by placing myself in the middle of it, and I did get bit. Luckily it was my dog that bit me, and the simple vocal reprimand of my voice was sufficient to get her to stop. I suggest trying to spray the dogs with a garden hose first if the method is available. In my case it was not an option, as the winter season requires we disconnect them to prevent freezing.

Before attempting to provide any form of medical care to your dog, use caution. A hurt animal can often turn on its owner from fear alone. I remember my father having to shoot our dog that got hit by a car. We were very young, and did not witness it first hand. The poor dog would not let anyone near her to pick her up.

1 comment:

  1. This q is not related to super glue. It's a light fixture electrical question. I have 3 separate 4 bulb (max 200watt usage) light fixtures that I want to arrange and hang as a single light fixture. A quasi DIY chandelier is what i'm going for. The place to mount it is designed for 1 fixture. Can I attach the canopies of all 3the fixtures to a wood board of some sort, drill holes for their corresponding wires, thread their wires through the board holes, electric tape the wires to new wire extending from the existing electric box, then screw the wood board into the ceiling joists? Do I need to keep the rewiring in a hollow canopy like structure that is metal but hidden by the wood board? I hope this makes sense. I appreciate any advice, trying to figure out the best, safest, means to mount 3 fixtures into 1. If it's even possible. Than k you!
